Month: October 2019

Sorry, We Are Closed!

I don’t like to leave anything unfinished, much less a Blog, and a Star Wars blog. It is the case now that it is finally over. I’m putting an end to Mos Eisley Chronicles. All content will be available to visitors as long as WordPress exists and permits.

Reason for this: Disney killed Star Wars for me with the infamous Episode 8, ruined any positive expectations I could have with the franchise from now on, and destroyed my childhood hero in 2h 30min of pure bullshit. The Last Jedi is a trauma that I will never get over.

Even with new TV shows, and the possibility of new movies in the near future, I’m not interested in what Disney has to say about Star Wars. If there is a hell where all the Sith go, everyone at Disney can go there.

Nothing and no one will change my love for the Original Trilogy. Not even the damn Disney. I still hope for better days for Star Wars but I won’t care about that anymore.

Thanks to everyone who visited this blog, followed and commented.

May the Force be with you!