Tag: humor

How Rogue One should have ended


Source text: ScreenRant. Source animated gifs: Tumblr , Tumblr & Tumblr.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is the latest installment in the Star Wars franchise that seems all-but unstoppable since its relaunch of sorts under the Disney umbrella. Rogue One is the first of many anthology stories, the first non-episodic Star Wars story that has been told on film, and it set a new standard for what kinds of stories can be explored to expand the universe.

And that means a lot more criticisms, parodies, and ‘what ifs’ from fandom, including another Star Wars themed episode of How It Should Have Ended (or “HISHE” for short) from the mega popular same-titled YouTube channel. The HISHE team mixes critical analysis and examination of plot holes in pop culture movies and lampoons what are all too frequently unsatisfying endings, and it does so with fun animation.


Their latest offering is Rogue One: A Star Wars Story How It Should Have Ending, taking one of the biggest movies of 2016 – and of all-time at the U.S. box office – to task for some of its sillier choices in filmmaking. Naturally, the video begins with an opening crawl – or the lack thereof – that did not appear at the opening of the film, followed by a jab at the CGI Tarkin. Everyone from K-2SO, Jyn and Cassian, Krennic and Darth Vader himself are the subjects of both mockery and celebration.

How It Should Have Ended has done videos on the Star Wars franchise before including: How Star Wars Should Have Ended (Special Edition)Revenge of the Sith HISHE as well as a variety of Marvel Cinematic Universe content that is housed under the same Disney Umbrella.

The fact that a solution can be created in the opening minutes of the movie to keep Jyn Erso from suffering any of the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story both speaks to the creativity of the HISHE writers and the Star Wars writers. The humor is genuine, but it is all derivative of the original source material.

On the critical thinking side, fans of Star Wars demand quality storytelling set in this mythology that means so much to them. While it is wonderful to be able to lovingly mock the things that are loved the most, one would hope that these tentpoles movies with all the money in the world behind them could do a better job at covering up some of the gaping inconsistencies that inspire the jokes in this video.