Tag: kylo ren

The Last Jedi: Kylo Ren’s TIE Silencer officially revealed

Source Text: ScreenRant. Animated Gifs: Tumblr.

Kylo Ren’s ship, dubbed the TIE Silencer, has been officially revealed ahead of its big screen debut in December’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Among the many topics the Episode VIII rumor mill has covered over the past few months are the new vehicles. The First Order’s “gorilla walkers” were perhaps the most noteworthy, but it’s also long been speculated villain Kylo Ren will have a ship of his own to fly around. When reports first came out, it was said Kylo’s personal TIE took inspiration from Darth Vader’s uniquely designed fighter from A New Hope. Leaked images of the ship in toy form (which have since been deleted) seemed to confirm this was the case, offering the latest example of the sequel trilogy updating a concept in the originals.

The Last Jedi has been vulnerable to several leaks recently, with photos of LEGO sets and other tie-in merchandise hinting at plot points and story details Lucasfilm does not want out right now. In an effort to combat this, a highly detailed behind-the-scenes sizzle reel debuted at D23 this past weekend (marking the first official reveal of Luke Skywalker’s feathered friends, the porgs), and now it’s time for Kylo’s ship to get a moment in the spotlight.

On the latest episode of The Star Wars Show (watch above, 1-minute mark), the program pulled back the curtain to showcase the ship, which is called the TIE Silencer. Those interested can see all of its specifications, including the weight and width. A 3D rendering of the vehicle was shown on the program, giving people a close-up look at it.

Since much of Star Wars 8 remains under wraps, it’s difficult to say how the TIE Silencer will factor into the main narrative. The teaser trailer from Celebration hinted at a giant space battle between the First Order and Resistance, so perhaps Kylo Ren takes part in that dogfight. It would make for cool visuals if the former Ben Solo got involved in that action sequence, given his family heritage. As the grandson of Anakin Skywalker and the son of Han Solo, piloting is very much part of his DNA. He’s probably skilled behind the controls and could be a formidable opponent for X-wing pilots. Remember, Darth Vader took out Red and Gold squadrons during the Battle of Yavin almost single-handedly.

With the reveal happening now, a couple of months before Force Friday 2017, Lucasfilm is setting up the TIE Silencer to be a key part of the first product wave that hits stores this fall. We already know it will be available as a LEGO set, and there will probably be other toys. The Silencer has a distinct design, making it ideal for merchandising purposes. Fans will want to get their hands on one of their own, especially if it’s part of a memorable set piece in Episode VIII.