Tag: billy dee williams

Billy Dee Williams returning as Lando Calrissian for Episode 9

Source: ScreenRant

Billy Dee Williams will indeed reprise his famous role of Lando Calrissian in Star Wars: Episode IX. The actor first joined the galaxy far, far away back in 1980’s The Empire Strikes Back, and came back for Return of the Jedi. While Williams has portrayed Lando in other Star Warsmediums (including a guest spot on Rebels), he has been absent from the feature films ever since Disney acquired Lucasfilm. Donald Glover played a younger version of Lando in this summer’s Solo, but the sequel trilogy has made no mention of the character to this point.

For a while now, it looked like that was going to change. Not only has Williams been getting into shape with a new training regimen, he recently canceled a convention appearance due to a “film schedule conflict.” It appears the rumors are true, and Williams will help bring the saga to a close with a role in Star Wars 9.

Recommended reading:

Lando’s Back: Our Biggest Questions About Star Wars 9’s Surprise Return
Star Wars 9: Everything You Need To Know

My Oppinion: 

It’s too late for Disney to save the franchise… They should let the past die. I see the return of Lando as a desperate attempt of Disney to call old SW fans now they lost Carrie Fisher and killed Han and Luke in stupid ways. Lando without Han won’t bring balance to Episode 9, but if is to call him back, kill him after 5min of screen like they did with Ackbar, and kill also Chewie, 3P0 and R2 in a Millennium Falcon explosion. Who cares, anyway? Star Wars is dead thanks to Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson:

And I am really thinking about closing this blog now that I lost interest in everything about Star Wars in the current “Disney Era”…

Source for Picture Pinterest.

Happy Birthday, Billy Dee Williams

Billy Dee Williams was born William December Williams on April 6, 1937 in New York City. Billy Dee has notched up an impressive array of film and television appearances over the past 50+ years. He is easily best known to international film audiences as the roguish Lando Calrissian in the last two episodes of the original Star Wars-trilogy: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983).

Happy Birthday, Billy, you old pirate!